Hi QTC - I'm curious about this healing modality and I know I've come to the right place. A few months back, I did sign up for a chat with Cherie and we connected. At that time, I wasn't ready to pay a sum of money for the services described. #stickershock LOL However, after now meeting with a handful of "mainstream" therapists - psychologists, somatic, AIT, EMDR, EFT, etc. - It's become clear to me that none of these are able to reach the deeper, cellular levels to locate and transmute these stuck imprints. At least not in a streamlined way. And so, I'm back! I'd love to hear from those of you who have had sessions and/or programs with Cherie and her colleagues: What to expect, how your experience has been, and how you experience your body-mind-spirit system nowadays. Also, anyone who has taken the practitioner program or is doing that now - I'd love to hear from you. I'm hopeful that Quantum Therapeutix is in the vanguard of the future of medicine. Thoughts? Thank you! Jesse

Posted by JustJesse at 2022-08-09 15:31:24 UTC